Saturday, September 29, 2012

Annual Touch a Truck event at Qulacomm Stadium San Diego

San Diego’s Original Touch A Truck is geared up and ready to roll! This family-friendly car show is a sure hit with kids and parents alike, as all the vehicles are open for you to climb in and honk the horn! From the Wells Fargo Stage Coach to Robosaurus, military vehicles to monster trucks, Harley's to HumVees, classic cars to emergency vehicles, big rigs to construction rigs – we’ll have it all and more. Touch A Truck will please your palate, too, with 20 gourmet food trucks, an old fashioned bake sale, lemonade "experience", plus two live music stages, roving entertainment, Star Wars Characters, Shamu and even Ronald McDonald. The funds raised at this event go to childhood cancer research. Join us!

List of Things You Need to Prepare for a New Baby

When I was pregnant with N - I kept searching for the ultimate list of everything I would really NEED for a baby.  I mean I wanted to know what I needed beyond the obvious stuff on the typical registry.  I am finally going to break down some of the essentials  and skip some of the obvious stuff  .  The ones that may not be on your typical baby list but were definitely helpful for us with both kids....

  • Nose Frida
  • Swaddle Blankets ( Aden + Anais muslin style)
  • wipe warmer ( those wipes are cold on a lil baby bum at night )
  • bouncy seats x 3 - one for every main room if possible - search CL they are cheap
  • stretchy wrap ( Moby / Ktan up to about 12 weeks or so then upgrade)
  • Soft structured baby carrier such as a Tula, Ergo, Boba, WCMT
  • Twighlight Turtle ( great for getting a good latch at night without waking everyone up and it's relaxing)
  • White noise machine that makes ocean, heartbeat, rain sound  (mostly used with our 1st)
  •  Nipple Shields & Lansinoh (very helpful with my 1st  while learning to BF- didn't need for my 2nd it all came much easier)  
  •  Handsfree Breastpump bra (Simple Wishes or something similar) .  Very helpful if you pump,  makes it a lot easier
  •  Nursing stool / glider